Circle of Literacy Blog

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fareed Zakaria! at Literacy Summit

Verizon Literacy Summit.3, Webcast: Competitive Learning in a Global Economy

Fareed Zakaria will keynote the National Literacy Summit.3 Webcast, scheduled for Oct. 15 from 1-5 p.m. EST.

The summit brings together a wide range literacy leaders and community experts to discuss:
a. how technology drives the definition of literacy in a global economy;
b. the local impact of global literacy and technology issue and expectations;
c. why communities must address these challenges;
d. outcome-based strategies for community collaboration.

The event is sponsored by Verizon Foundation, American Library Association, , National Coalition for Literacy, National Center for Family Literacy, ProLiteracy Worldwide, and Georgetown University.

Widely respected for his ability to spot economic and political trends around the world,
Dr. Fareed Zakaria has developed an international reputation as a global thinker.
Dr. Zakaria is editor of Newsweek International and was named "one of the most
important people of the 21st century" by Esquire. Indian-born and trained as an
academic at Yale and Harvard Universities, Dr. Zakaria, at age 28, became the youngest
managing editor in the history of Foreign Affairs.

For more information

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Blogger Professor Maria Casado said...

Thanks for the info Sandra...I have already registered...


4:31 PM  

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